DMAPS under construction – new data sets to be released on February 21


Digital Learning Tab: This current tab provides information and links related to digital learning plans and standards, the adoption of computer science standards and state definitions for personalized learning. Visit the Instructional Materials, Procurement and Professional Learning Tabs for more information on this state.


State Digital Learning Plan

Virginia has a state digital learning plan.

Virginia has an independent state level educational technology plan. The state revises the plan every 6 years. For more information:

State Requirements for District Digital Learning Plans

Virginia has requirements for districts for digital learning plans.

Independent district level educational technology plans are required by Virginia and are revised every 6 years. The state provides training support through online webinars, face to face trainings, e-mail and website support. The technology plans are reviewed to ensure alignment with the state educational technology plan, progress towards meeting state goals for educational technology integration, and to ensure that state and federal requirements are met. For more information:

Digital Learning Standards for Students

Virginia has digital learning standards for students.

Virginia has Computer/Technology Standards for grades K-12. Standards for Instructional Personnel are also found at the following site:

State Personalized Learning Definition

Virginia has a unique state definition for personalized learning.

An educational approach which varies the learning objectives, instructional methods, content and assessment methods based on the needs of the student, with the involvement of the student in selecting content and educational objectives.

Request At A Glance data set for all states
last update: 8:07 am 02/13/19


The adoption of digital instructional materials is left to the discretion of individual school divisions, though guidelines provided by the state must be followed as they are for printed instructional materials. Virginia is part of the national GoOpen project. GoOpenVa is about two years along and is nurturing the use of open education resources (OER) throughout the state, with the eventual goal of encouraging the development and sharing of teacher-created resources.


Definition for Instructional Materials

Virginia has a definition for instructional materials/textbook.

Textbooks means print or electronic media for student use that serves as the primary curriculum basis for a grade-level subject or course.




Definition for Open Educational Resources

Virginia has a definition for open educational resources.

Virginia uses the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation definition for open educational resources: teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. OER include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.

Definition for Accessible Educational Materials

Virginia has a definition for accessible educational materials. The definition is based on

Federal Definition

Virginia provides definitions related to purchase of and access to instructional materials via the federal definitions. Federal regulations, under the IDEA, require accessible instructional materials for all children whose IEP teams have certified that the child needs print materials in an accessible format in order to deliver a Free and Appropriate Public Education

Definition for Accessible Technologies

Virginia has a definition for accessible technologies. The definition is based on

Federal Regulation

Assistive technology device means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability. 34 CFR §300.5 as referenced in IDEA.

Guidelines and Policies

State Statute - Instructional Materials Adoption

Virginia does not have a statute for the adoption of instructional materials.

Virginia does not have a formal adoption policy for digital instructional materials.

State Statute - Requires Implementation of Digital Instructional Materials

Virginia does not have a statute requiring the implementation of digital instructional materials.

State Statute - Allows Implementation of Digital Instructional Materials

Virginia has a statute allowing the implementation of digital instructional materials.

Digital materials are included as part of the definition of “textbook.”

State Statute - Online Course Requirement

Virginia has a statute requiring students to take an online course prior to graduation.

Students are required to take one virtual course, which may be non-credit bearing.

Out of School Access Instructional Materials

Virginia does not provide guidance to LEAs in the use of digital instructional materials outside of the classroom.

Guidance Selection Accessible Digital Instructional Materials

Yes, our state provides information, examples or guidelines to LEAs to support the selection and acquisition of accessible digital instructional materials.

Virginia periodically develops and distributes resources to highlight interventions that work for struggling students. This includes services, print materials and digital materials.

Guidance Selection Accessible Technologies

Yes, our state provides information, examples or guidelines to LEAs to support the selection and acquisition of accessible digital instructional materials.

Virginia periodically develops and distributes resources to highlight interventions that work for struggling students. This includes services, print materials and digital materials

eLearning Days/Inclement Weather

Virginia does not provide guidance to districts for possible solutions to scheduling issues posed by inclement weather.

State Review Process

Review of Instructional Materials

Virginia has a process for the review of instructional materials.

Instructional Materials are reviewed when submitted by publishers. Committees of volunteer stakeholders are gathered for the review process and they use a rubric provided by the state. Both paper and digital materials may be submitted, but only if they are considered to be core materials rather than supplemental.

Materials Includes

Digital instructional materials

Review of Instructional Materials Outcomes

Virginia has a process for the review of instructional materials outcomes.



Posting of Reviewed Instructional Materials

Virginia posts state reviewed instructional materials.

Districts Required to Purchase State Reviewed Instructional Materials

Virginia does not require districts to purchase state reviewed instructional materials.

Districts Required to Follow State Review Process

Virginia does not require districts to follow the state review process for the review of instructional materials.

Regional Support - Review of Instructional Materials

Virginia does not have an Education Service Agency (ESA) or other regional organization that has a process for the review of instructional materials.

Regional Support - Posting Reviewed Instructional Materials

Virginia does not have an ESA or other regional organization that posts reviewed instructional materials.

Resource Repositories

Content Management System: State Hosted or State Master Contract

Virginia does not have a state hosted content management system or a state master contract for a content management system available to schools and districts.

Virginia is creating an OERCommons microsite which will be ready in the summer of 2019.

Learning Management System: State Hosted or State Master Contract

Virginia does not have a state hosted learning management system or state master contract for a learning management system available to schools and districts.

State Resource Repository

Virginia has a state resource repository.

In the past, Virginia worked mainly with eMediaVA to offer resources. However, other resources are found at Learn24VA, Virginia on iTunesU, and the Infinite Learning Lab, VDOE currently offers three digital Multi-Touch iBook textbooks: Economics,Personal Finance, and Say “Cheese,” Moon! Currently, Virginia is poised to establish our OERCommons microsite which will provide more flexibility.



Free resources with copyright restrictions


Dedicated State Funding

Virginia has dedicated state funding.

State funds are provided directly for the purchase of instructional materials via a state budget instructional materials line item that includes the option to purchase instructional materials and/or does not prohibit the purchase of digital instructional materials.

Instructional Materials

Digital Instructional materials


Funding - District Options

Use local funds

Collaborate with other districts

last update: 8:07 am 02/13/19


In Virginia, the procurement of devices and instructional materials by state agencies are completed in two ways separate ways. 1. Procurement of Devices: If the procurement is part of a solicitation for a device purchase for students that requires software to be loaded as part of the purchase, then prior to the purchase the contract must be approved by the Virginia Information Technology Agency. VITA is a state government oversight and monitoring agency. 2. For purchases specific to digital instructional materials at the state or local level, the procurement is conducted through bid or sole source with only departmental or local oversight. If a district solicits bids and purchases digital learning resources (DLR), all other districts in the state can buy off of their contract. Funding for DLR is available through state technology equipment grants (a portion is allocated for DLR), textbook funds (textbook funds can be used to purchase DLRs), specific DLR grants from the Governor or General Assembly, and local funding. There is no legislation that requires adoption of specific DLR’s by the state or localities, but there is an expectation that DLR align to Virginia’s standards of learning. Some larger districts have resource portals with purchased software, OER, and district created resources. Virginia has joined the #GoOpen movement and is actively pursuing the curation and creation of open education resources through a contract with eMediaVA.

More Information

Guidance – Publishers

Virginia has procurement guidelines for companies interested in selling instructional materials in the state.

For publishers considering providing digital textbooks, such materials must also meet any applicable requirements from the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA). See (section “Governance Publications”)

Guidance – Publishers - Accessibility Features

Virginia does not have guidelines for commercial or OER publishers, developers, or vendors related to accessibility features in products/services.

Request for Proposals/Request for Information

Virginia does not have a request for proposals/request for information process.

State Master Contract - Contract with State

Virginia does not have state master contract available for district and schools to make purchases directly with the state.

State Master Contract - Contract with Publisher

Virginia does not have state master contract available for district and schools to make purchases directly with the publisher.

State Pricing Negotiation

Virginia negotiate prices with publishers, vendors during the RFP/RFI process, and districts may purchase the materials directly from the vendor.

Manage Regional Purchasing Consortia

Virginia does not manage regional groups that participate in regional purchasing consortia for instructional materials.



As we begin to implement our new #GoOpenVA repository, professional development is a major part of the initiative. We are currently planning our strategy and expect to use our own VDOE resources, with support from (ISKME) and our local ISTE affiliate VSTE. We expect to have a more solid plan by the spring of 2019.

Selection of Digital Instructional Materials

Virginia does not provide professional learning opportunities to support teachers in the selection of quality digital instructional materials (licensed and/or OER) to use in the classroom.

Implementation of Digital Instructional Materials

Virginia does not provide professional learning opportunities to support teachers in the selection of quality digital instructional materials (licensed and/or OER) to use in the classroom.

Development of Professional Learning Programs

Virginia does not develop professional learning programs.

Development of OER

Virginia does not provide professional learning opportunities to support the development of digital OER.

Share OER

Virginia does not provide professional learning opportunities for teachers to share of digital OER

Professional Learning - Accessibility

No, our state does not provide professional learning to support the implementation of accessible educational materials.

Technical Assistance - Accessible Instructional/Educational Materials

No, our state does not provide technical assistance to support the implementation of accessible instructional/educational materials

Assistance is provided through the Assistive Technology Network of Virginia, via regional Training and Technical Assistance Centers.

Technical Assistance - Accessible Technologies

Yes, our state provide technical assistance to support the use of accessible technologies.

Assistance is provided through the Assistive Technology Network of Virginia, via regional Training and Technical Assistance Centers.