State Digital Learning Plan
Vermont has a state digital learning plan.
Vermont has a State level Digital Learning Plan that is a suggested framework for developing an education technology program at the local level. The plan was drafted in 2017 and was intended to be a mandatory three year process for each district. That requirement was removed in late 2017, and plans are now encouraged, but not mandated. While fully released, the draft document continues to see revisions in 2019. The State Plan is intended to be current until June 30, 2021.
State Requirements for District Digital Learning Plans
Vermont does not have requirements for districts for digital learning plans.
There is no state requirement for District Digital Learning Plans. The current State Plan is intended as a recommendation as to developing and maintaining a digital learning plan on the local level. It is suggested that districts review their plans and planning process once every three years.
Digital Learning Standards for Students
Vermont does not have digital learning standards for students.
Vermont does not have state-based educational technology standards, but follows the ISTE standards for students, however the 2016 ISTE Standards for Students were adopted by the State Board of Education in Fall of 2017.