Digital Learning Tab: This current tab provides information and links related to digital learning plans and standards, the adoption of computer science standards and state definitions for personalized learning. Visit the Instructional Materials, Procurement and Professional Learning Tabs for more information on this state.
State Personalized Learning Definition
Pennsylvania does not have a unique state definition for personalized learning.
Pennsylvania does not have a review process for the selection of digital resource. The state does not recommend or endorse specific instructional resources. Decisions regarding curriculum and instructional materials are made at the local level. Pennsylvania LEAs have the ability to select which textbooks and supplementary books they will use, as well as when new texts are needed, provided the materials are adopted at the local level in a manner and time frame consistent with Pennsylvania School Code. LEAs seeking to acquire instructional devices and/or digital materials usually do so through local or consortia bid processes. LEAs may also purchase through existing state-level agreements with qualifying vendors.
Optional-use materials and resources are available through the Standards Aligned System (SAS) Portal. The state employs rubrics and selection processes that determine standards-alignment and appropriateness for the project at hand (e.g., DoK).
Basic education funding and most other state grants provide purchasing flexibility, allowing for the procurement of instructional technology such as end-user equipment and digital content as long as the purchases support the grant objectives.
Definition for Instructional Materials
Pennsylvania does not have a definition for instructional materials/textbook.
Definition for Open Educational Resources
Pennsylvania does not have a definition for open educational resources.
Definition for Accessible Educational Materials
Pennsylvania has a definition for accessible educational materials. The definition is based on
State Statute
Pennsylvania adopted NIMAS as defined in IDEA.
Definition for Accessible Technologies
Pennsylvania has a definition for accessible technologies. The definition is based on
State Statute
PDE’s Basic Education Circular (BEC), which provides the Department of Education’s guidance on the implementation of law, regulation and policy, states As defined in federal law, assistive technology device means ‘any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of children withdisabilities.’
State Statute - Instructional Materials Adoption
Pennsylvania does not have a statute for the adoption of instructional materials.
State Statute - Requires Implementation of Digital Instructional Materials
Pennsylvania does not have a statute requiring the implementation of digital instructional materials.
State Statute - Allows Implementation of Digital Instructional Materials
Pennsylvania has a statute allowing the implementation of digital instructional materials.
State statute does not preclude the adoption and implementation of digital instructional materials.
State Statute - Online Course Requirement
Pennsylvania does not have a statute requiring students to take an online course prior to graduation.
Out of School Access Instructional Materials
Pennsylvania does not provide guidance to LEAs in the use of digital instructional materials outside of the classroom.
Guidance Selection Accessible Digital Instructional Materials
No, our state does not provide information, examples or guidelines to LEAs to support the selection and acquisition of accessible digital instructional materials.
Guidance Selection Accessible Technologies
Yes, our state provides information, examples or guidelines to LEAs to support the selection and acquisition of accessible digital instructional materials.
PDE’s Basic Education Circular (BEC) provides guidance regarding assistive technology as to the following: (1) Increase awareness of assistive technology devices and/or services that are defined in federal law and regulations; (2) Clarify the obligation of school districts and charter schools to provide assistive technology devices and/or services to children with disabilities; and (3) Explain supports available to assist school districts and charter schools, as the local educational agencies responsible for providing assistive technology devices and/or services to children with disabilities.
eLearning Days/Inclement Weather
Pennsylvania does not provide guidance to districts for possible solutions to scheduling issues posed by inclement weather.
Review of Instructional Materials
Pennsylvania does not have a process for the review of instructional materials.
Pennsylvania has not established a rubric or selection process for the local vetting of digital resources. Pennsylvania does not recommend or endorse specific instructional resources; decisions regarding curriculum and instructional materials are made at the local level. For vetting optional-use materials and resources available through the Standards Aligned System (SAS) Portal or the PAIU Hub on OER Commons, the SEA employs rubrics and selection processes that determine standards-alignment and are most appropriate to the project at hand (e.g., DoK).
Review of Instructional Materials Outcomes
Pennsylvania does not have a process for the review of instructional materials outcomes.
Posting of Reviewed Instructional Materials
Pennsylvania does not post state reviewed instructional materials.
Districts Required to Purchase State Reviewed Instructional Materials
Pennsylvania does not require districts to purchase state reviewed instructional materials.
Districts Required to Follow State Review Process
Pennsylvania does not require districts to follow the state review process for the review of instructional materials.
Regional Support - Review of Instructional Materials
Pennsylvania has an Education Service Agency (ESA) or other regional organization that has a process for the review of instructional materials.
Regional Support - Posting Reviewed Instructional Materials
Pennsylvania has an ESA or other regional organization that posts reviewed instructional materials.
Content Management System: State Hosted or State Master Contract
Pennsylvania has a state hosted content management system or a state master contract for a content management system available to schools and districts.
The Standards Aligned System (SAS) portal, developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, is a comprehensive, researched-based resource to improve student achievement as well foster professional growth.
Learning Management System: State Hosted or State Master Contract
Pennsylvania does not have a state hosted learning management system or state master contract for a learning management system available to schools and districts.
State Resource Repository
Pennsylvania has a state resource repository.
Through contracted services, the SEA manages the SAS portal which not only facilitates the development and sharing of materials by local entities but also will link to standards-aligned content hosted on the PAIU Hub at OER Commons.
Dedicated State Funding
Pennsylvania does not have dedicated state funding.
Districts fund the purchase of digital instructional materials with general state funds and/or local initiatives.
Funding - District Options
Use local funds
Collaborate with other districts
Partner with non-profits
Pennsylvania does not procure resources for schools or districts on a statewide level. Each school district has the constitutional authority, from state and/or local resources, to procure and use digital resources and innovative educational technologies as they deem appropriate to meet educational goals and requirements. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) seeking to acquire instructional devices and/or digital materials usually do so through local or consortia bid processes, the latter typically managed through Regional Education Agencies (i.e., PA Intermediate Units). LEAs may also purchase through existing state-level agreements with qualifying vendors. Basic education funding and most other state grants provide purchasing flexibility, allowing for the procurement of instructional technology such as end-user equipment and digital content as long as the purchases support the grant objectives. Pennsylvania LEAs have the ability to select which textbooks and supplementary books they will use, as well as when new texts are needed, provided the materials are adopted at the local level in a manner and time frame consistent with Pennsylvania School Code. http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/LI/uconsCheck.cfm?txtType=HTMandyr=1949andsessInd=0andsmthLwInd=0andact=14andchpt=1andsctn=2andsubsctn=0
More InformationGuidance – Publishers
Pennsylvania does not have procurement guidelines for companies interested in selling instructional materials in the state.
As a local-control commonwealth, Pennsylvania’s procurement is autonomous; Local Education Agencies (LEAs) contract individually or through consortia (such as PAIU). The LEA/consortium lead will apprise the company of appropriate procedures, as they may vary by locale.
Guidance – Publishers - Accessibility Features
Pennsylvania does not have guidelines for commercial or OER publishers, developers, or vendors related to accessibility features in products/services.
Request for Proposals/Request for Information
Pennsylvania does not have a request for proposals/request for information process.
State Master Contract - Contract with State
Pennsylvania does not have state master contract available for district and schools to make purchases directly with the state.
State Master Contract - Contract with Publisher
Pennsylvania does not have state master contract available for district and schools to make purchases directly with the publisher.
State Pricing Negotiation
Pennsylvania does not negotiate prices with publishers, vendors during the RFP/RFI process, and districts may purchase the materials directly from the vendor.
Manage Regional Purchasing Consortia
Pennsylvania manages regional groups that participate in regional purchasing consortia for instructional materials.
PAIU negotiates regional and statewide purchasing.
In addition to embedded digital resources, Pennsylvania’s SAS (Standards Aligned System) will direct users to quality, standards-aligned instructional materials either created or curated by commonwealth educators and hosted on the Pennsylvania Intermediate Unit (PAIU) Hub on OER Commons. As part of this effort, PDE and PAIU are gathering teacher cadres for professional development to ensure the collections can be implemented with fidelity.
Selection of Digital Instructional Materials
Pennsylvania does not provide professional learning opportunities to support teachers in the selection of quality digital instructional materials (licensed and/or OER) to use in the classroom.
Implementation of Digital Instructional Materials
Pennsylvania provides professional learning opportunities to support teachers in the selection of quality digital instructional materials (licensed and/or OER) to use in the classroom.
In addition to the teacher cadres gathered as part of the PAIU OER Commons effort, professional learning communities are embedded in SAS to support registered users in the implementation of the digital resources and sessions are offered at various statewide conferences such as the SAS Institute and PETE&C.
Statewide professional learning for teachers via a online community
Statewide professional learning for teachers in-person
Statewide conference
Development of Professional Learning Programs
Pennsylvania does not develop professional learning programs.
Other (Please specify):SAS Professional Learning Communities, workshops, and statewide conferences are a collaborative effort by the Department, regional and local agencies, and select partners.
Development of OER
Pennsylvania provides professional learning opportunities to support the development of digital OER.
Share OER
Pennsylvania provides professional learning opportunities for teachers to share of digital OER
Professional Learning - Accessibility
Yes, our state provides professional learning to support the implementation of accessible educational materials.
Professional learning opportunities and publications on accessibility are available through the Department’s Bureau of Special Education and the Pa Technical Training and Assistance Network.
Technical Assistance - Accessible Instructional/Educational Materials
Yes, our state provide technical assistance to support the implementation of accessible instructional/educational materials
The AIM (Accessible Instructional Materials) Center is managed by the Pennsylvania Technical Training and Assistance Network (PaTTAN), a regional agency that works in coordination with the Bureau of Special Education (BSE) at the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).
Technical Assistance - Accessible Technologies
Yes, our state provide technical assistance to support the use of accessible technologies.
Additional information on assistive technologies, including access to devices, is available through PaTTAN.