DMAPS under construction – new data sets to be released on February 21


Digital Learning Tab: This current tab provides information and links related to digital learning plans and standards, the adoption of computer science standards and state definitions for personalized learning. Visit the Instructional Materials, Procurement and Professional Learning Tabs for more information on this state.


State Digital Learning Plan

Minnesota does not have a state digital learning plan.

State Requirements for District Digital Learning Plans

Minnesota does not have requirements for districts for digital learning plans.

Minnesota does not require district level educational technology plans, but strongly encourages technology planning.

Digital Learning Standards for Students

Minnesota has digital learning standards for students.

Minnesota educational technology standards are embedded as part of curriculum standards.

State Personalized Learning Definition

Minnesota does not have a unique state definition for personalized learning.

Request At A Glance data set for all states
last update: 7:06 am 02/13/19


In Minnesota, LEAs review and adopt their own instructional materials. Technical assistance is provided by the DOE but there is not a process for review or recommendation of instructional materials.


Definition for Instructional Materials

Minnesota has a definition for instructional materials/textbook.

The basic skills revenue under section 126C.10, subdivision 4, must be reserved and used to meet the educational needs of pupils who enroll under-prepared to learn and whose progress toward meeting state or local content or performance standards is below the level that is appropriate for learners of their age. Basic skills revenue may also be used for programs designed to prepare children and their families for entry into school whether the student first enrolls in kindergarten or first grade. Any of the following may be provided to meet these learners’ needs: (6) instructional materials, digital learning, and technology appropriate for meeting the individual needs of these learners;




Definition for Open Educational Resources

Minnesota has a definition for open educational resources.

Definition for Accessible Educational Materials

Minnesota has a definition for accessible educational materials. The definition is based on

Federal Definition

We use IDEA and ADA to define Accessible Instructional/Educational Materials.

Definition for Accessible Technologies

Minnesota has a definition for accessible technologies. The definition is based on

AEM Definition

Guidelines and Policies

State Statute - Instructional Materials Adoption

Minnesota does not have a statute for the adoption of instructional materials.

State Statute - Requires Implementation of Digital Instructional Materials

Minnesota does not have a statute requiring the implementation of digital instructional materials.

State Statute - Allows Implementation of Digital Instructional Materials

Minnesota has a statute allowing the implementation of digital instructional materials.

Included in a list of how compensatory revenue for basic skills improvement may be used.

State Statute - Online Course Requirement

Minnesota does not have a statute requiring students to take an online course prior to graduation.

Out of School Access Instructional Materials

Minnesota does not provide guidance to LEAs in the use of digital instructional materials outside of the classroom.

Guidance Selection Accessible Digital Instructional Materials

Yes, our state provides information, examples or guidelines to LEAs to support the selection and acquisition of accessible digital instructional materials.

School districts are responsible for providing learning materials that are accessible to all students with print disabilities. Students who struggle to read because of physical, sensory, cognitive, or learning differences may require alternative or specialized formats. Core curriculum material and textbooks may need to be converted to specialized formats called accessible educational materials (AEM)

Guidance Selection Accessible Technologies

Yes, our state provides information, examples or guidelines to LEAs to support the selection and acquisition of accessible digital instructional materials.

The Minnesota Department of Education provides guidance to schools to improve the accessibility of their communications and learning materials. Minnesota is one of nine states participating in the CAST-AEM best practices cohort. The Department of Education provides leadership and support for educators by convening disability-specific communities of practice, facilitating accessible educational materials pilot sites and projects.

eLearning Days/Inclement Weather

Minnesota provides guidance to districts for possible solutions to scheduling issues posed by inclement weather.

LEAs may adopt a plan for elearning to be utilized for up to 5 days per year for instruction during inclement weather.

State Review Process

Review of Instructional Materials

Minnesota does not have a process for the review of instructional materials.

Minnesota provides technical assistance and background information regarding the implementation of quality instructional materials through our office of Academic Standards ( .

Review of Instructional Materials Outcomes

Minnesota does not have a process for the review of instructional materials outcomes.

Posting of Reviewed Instructional Materials

Minnesota does not post state reviewed instructional materials.

Districts Required to Purchase State Reviewed Instructional Materials

Minnesota does not require districts to purchase state reviewed instructional materials.

Districts Required to Follow State Review Process

Minnesota does not require districts to follow the state review process for the review of instructional materials.

Regional Support - Review of Instructional Materials

Minnesota does not have an Education Service Agency (ESA) or other regional organization that has a process for the review of instructional materials.

Regional Support - Posting Reviewed Instructional Materials

Minnesota does not have an ESA or other regional organization that posts reviewed instructional materials.

Resource Repositories

Content Management System: State Hosted or State Master Contract

Minnesota does not have a state hosted content management system or a state master contract for a content management system available to schools and districts.

Learning Management System: State Hosted or State Master Contract

Minnesota does not have a state hosted learning management system or state master contract for a learning management system available to schools and districts.

State Resource Repository

Minnesota has a state resource repository.




Dedicated State Funding

Minnesota does not have dedicated state funding.

Districts fund the purchase of instructional materials, digital instructional materials, or devices with general state funds and/or local initiatives.

Funding - District Options

Use local funds

Collaborate with other districts

last update: 7:06 am 02/13/19


Minnesota does not procure resources for schools or districts on a statewide level. Each school district has the constitutional authority, from state and/or local resources, to procure and use digital resources and innovative educational technologies as they deem appropriate to meet educational goals and requirements.

Guidance – Publishers

Minnesota does not have procurement guidelines for companies interested in selling instructional materials in the state.

Guidance – Publishers - Accessibility Features

Minnesota does not have guidelines for commercial or OER publishers, developers, or vendors related to accessibility features in products/services.

Request for Proposals/Request for Information

Minnesota does not have a request for proposals/request for information process.

State Master Contract - Contract with State

Minnesota does not have state master contract available for district and schools to make purchases directly with the state.

State Master Contract - Contract with Publisher

Minnesota does not have state master contract available for district and schools to make purchases directly with the publisher.

State Pricing Negotiation

Minnesota does not negotiate prices with publishers, vendors during the RFP/RFI process, and districts may purchase the materials directly from the vendor.

Manage Regional Purchasing Consortia

Minnesota manages regional groups that participate in regional purchasing consortia for instructional materials.

Regional consortia negotiate purchasing details and master contracts for their members.



The Minnesota Department of Education provides professional development opportunities for online schools to improve the accessibility of their communications and learning materials. Minnesota is one of nine states participating in the CAST-AEM best practices cohort. The Department of Education provides leadership and support for educators by convening disability-specific communities of practice, facilitating accessible educational materials pilot sites and projects.

Selection of Digital Instructional Materials

Minnesota provides professional learning opportunities to support teachers in the selection of quality digital instructional materials (licensed and/or OER) to use in the classroom.

The Minnesota Department of Education hosts an annual conference focused on the development and selection of accessible learning materials. Staff present at other state and national conferences that LEAs attend.


Licensed digital

Digital OER

Implementation of Digital Instructional Materials

Minnesota provides professional learning opportunities to support teachers in the selection of quality digital instructional materials (licensed and/or OER) to use in the classroom.

The Minnesota Department of Education hosts an annual conference focused on the development and implementation of accessible learning materials. Staff present at other state and national conferences that LEAs attend.


Statewide professional learning for teachers via online courses

Statewide professional learning for teachers via webinars

Statewide professional learning for teachers via a online community

Statewide professional learning for teachers in-person

Statewide conference

Development of Professional Learning Programs

Minnesota develops its own professional learning programs.

Our state develops their own professional learning programs

Our state partners with consultants to develop professional learning program

Our state hires outside consultants to develop professional learning programs

Development of OER

Minnesota does not provide professional learning opportunities to support the development of digital OER.

Share OER

Minnesota does not provide professional learning opportunities for teachers to share of digital OER

Professional Learning - Accessibility

Yes, our state provides professional learning to support the implementation of accessible educational materials.

Educators in Minnesota can attend our annual summer seminar for online and digital learning. There is an active cohort of schools working with the Department of Education to improve digital accessibility. AEM cohorts are engaged in professional development activities focused on accessible educational materials.

Technical Assistance - Accessible Instructional/Educational Materials

Yes, our state provide technical assistance to support the implementation of accessible instructional/educational materials

The Department of Education offers technical assistance through its Division of Special Education.

Technical Assistance - Accessible Technologies

No, our state does not provide technical assistance to support the use of accessible technologies.