DMAPS under construction – new data sets to be released on February 21


Digital Learning Tab: This current tab provides information and links related to digital learning plans and standards, the adoption of computer science standards and state definitions for personalized learning. Visit the Instructional Materials, Procurement and Professional Learning Tabs for more information on this state.


State Digital Learning Plan

Hawaii has a state digital learning plan.

Hawaii has created the Computer Science Action Plan to address key areas related to digital learning.

State Requirements for District Digital Learning Plans

Hawaii does not have requirements for districts for digital learning plans.

Hawaii does not require district level digital learning plans, but strongly encourages technology planning.

Digital Learning Standards for Students

Hawaii has digital learning standards for students.

Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) K-12 Computer Science Standards

State Personalized Learning Definition

Hawaii does not have a unique state definition for personalized learning.

Request At A Glance data set for all states
last update: 7:05 am 02/13/19


The Department believes in a balanced approach of “standardization” (high expectations and high-quality foundational materials for classroom use) and “customization” (through teachers’ individual decisions and instructional practices). Instructional materials are not a script. While teachers use a consistent set of materials as a primary resource, they are still expected to be innovative and creative to address their students’ learning needs.

Schools, however, still have the ability to select alternative instructional materials, provided they align with the Hawaii Common Core. Schools opting to use materials other than those selected by the Department need to file an exception request outlining an implementation plan. The request will be reviewed by a technical committee and approved by the Complex Area Superintendent.


Definition for Instructional Materials

Hawaii has a definition for instructional materials/textbook.



Definition for Open Educational Resources

Hawaii does not have a definition for open educational resources.

Definition for Accessible Educational Materials

Hawaii does not have a definition for accessible educational materials.

Hawaii has guidelines posted for Assistive Technology including access to educational/instructional materials

Definition for Accessible Technologies

Hawaii does not have a definition for accessible technologies.

Guidelines and Policies

State Statute - Instructional Materials Adoption

Hawaii has a statute for the adoption of instructional materials.

The Department of Education shall provide guidance to schools in developing andimplementing curriculum and instruction for the public school system.The responsibility for developing curriculum shall be shared by the Superintendent and the schools. The responsibility for developing and delivering the instructional program shall rest primarily with the schools. The Superintendent shall provide the general direction in curriculum and instruction by providing guidance in the use of effective teaching, learning, and assessment strategies appropriate to the Hawaii Content and Performance Standards. Former Code No. 6123.2. Former Policy Approved: 07/60. Amended: 10/70, 03/88; 03/99

State Statute - Requires Implementation of Digital Instructional Materials

Hawaii does not have a statute requiring the implementation of digital instructional materials.

State Statute - Allows Implementation of Digital Instructional Materials

Hawaii does not have a statute allowing the implementation of digital instructional materials.

State Statute - Online Course Requirement

Hawaii does not have a statute requiring students to take an online course prior to graduation.

Out of School Access Instructional Materials

Hawaii does not provide guidance to LEAs in the use of digital instructional materials outside of the classroom.

Guidance Selection Accessible Digital Instructional Materials

No, our state does not provide information, examples or guidelines to LEAs to support the selection and acquisition of accessible digital instructional materials.

Guidance Selection Accessible Technologies

No, our state does not provide information, examples or guidelines to LEAs to support the selection and acquisition of accessible digital instructional materials.

eLearning Days/Inclement Weather

Hawaii does not provide guidance to districts for possible solutions to scheduling issues posed by inclement weather.

State Review Process

Review of Instructional Materials

Hawaii does not have a process for the review of instructional materials.

Review of Instructional Materials Outcomes

Hawaii does not have a process for the review of instructional materials outcomes.

Posting of Reviewed Instructional Materials

Hawaii does not post state reviewed instructional materials.

Districts Required to Purchase State Reviewed Instructional Materials

Hawaii does not require districts to purchase state reviewed instructional materials.

Districts Required to Follow State Review Process

Hawaii does not require districts to follow the state review process for the review of instructional materials.

Regional Support - Review of Instructional Materials

Hawaii does not have an Education Service Agency (ESA) or other regional organization that has a process for the review of instructional materials.

Regional Support - Posting Reviewed Instructional Materials

Hawaii does not have an ESA or other regional organization that posts reviewed instructional materials.

Resource Repositories

Content Management System: State Hosted or State Master Contract

Hawaii has a state hosted content management system or a state master contract for a content management system available to schools and districts.

The state’s content management system is available to all Hawaii State Department of Education schools. The system is maintained by various offices statewide and serves as a resource for budget, personnel, and curricular guidelines and tools which all schools statewide have access.

Learning Management System: State Hosted or State Master Contract

Hawaii has a state hosted learning management system or state master contract for a learning management system available to schools and districts.

Hawaii provides public schools a learning management system via the Hawaii Virtual Learning Network (HVLN). As an island-state, the LMS serves as a primary host for online courses for credits toward graduation. In addition, it is utilized to provide professional development to administrators and teachers statewide.

State Resource Repository

Hawaii does not have a state resource repository.


Dedicated State Funding

Hawaii has dedicated state funding.

Districts fund the purchase of digital instructional materials with general state funds and/or local initiatives.

Digital Instructional materials

Funding - District Options

last update: 7:05 am 02/13/19


In the State of Hawaii, instructional materials are exempt from procurement requirements. Devices are procured via existing price/vendor lists, or other various methods of source selection. There is no separate funding stream for devices and instructional materials. School principals have significant autonomy over their weighted student formula funds.

More Information

Guidance – Publishers

Hawaii does not have procurement guidelines for companies interested in selling instructional materials in the state.

(b) Publishers shall annually submit required forms to the Department by established deadlines. These forms are available from the Department. (c) Publishers shall deliver learning resources submitted for review and possible recommendation to specific evaluation sites on dates set by the Department. (d) Publishers shall guarantee that any non-consumable student learning resource or any electronic medium submitted for recommendation shall withstand normal use during the specified recommendation cycle and shall also agree to replace immediately, at no cost to the ordering school system, any such items that do not stand up to normal use. (e) Publishers shall guarantee the timely delivery of learning resources to school systems. (f) Publishers shall sell learning resources to local schools

Guidance – Publishers - Accessibility Features

Hawaii does not have guidelines for commercial or OER publishers, developers, or vendors related to accessibility features in products/services.

Request for Proposals/Request for Information

Hawaii does not have a request for proposals/request for information process.

State Master Contract - Contract with State

Hawaii does not have state master contract available for district and schools to make purchases directly with the state.

State Master Contract - Contract with Publisher

Hawaii does not have state master contract available for district and schools to make purchases directly with the publisher.

State Pricing Negotiation

Hawaii does not negotiate prices with publishers, vendors during the RFP/RFI process, and districts may purchase the materials directly from the vendor.

Manage Regional Purchasing Consortia

Hawaii does not manage regional groups that participate in regional purchasing consortia for instructional materials.



Hawaii has not implemented a statewide initiative to support professional learning opportunities for educators related to the creation, selection and/or implementation of quality digital instructional materials.

Selection of Digital Instructional Materials

Hawaii does not provide professional learning opportunities to support teachers in the selection of quality digital instructional materials (licensed and/or OER) to use in the classroom.

Implementation of Digital Instructional Materials

Hawaii provides professional learning opportunities to support teachers in the selection of quality digital instructional materials (licensed and/or OER) to use in the classroom.

Development of Professional Learning Programs

Hawaii does not develop professional learning programs.

State develops their own professional learning programs

Development of OER

Hawaii does not provide professional learning opportunities to support the development of digital OER.

Share OER

Hawaii does not provide professional learning opportunities for teachers to share of digital OER

Professional Learning - Accessibility

No, our state does not provide professional learning to support the implementation of accessible educational materials.

Technical Assistance - Accessible Instructional/Educational Materials

No, our state does not provide technical assistance to support the implementation of accessible instructional/educational materials

Technical Assistance - Accessible Technologies

No, our state does not provide technical assistance to support the use of accessible technologies.